Article Details
  • Published Online:
    June  2024
  • Product Name:
    The IUP Journal of English Studies
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  • Author Name:
    Geetha V Sharma and Jayagowri Shivakumar
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  • Subject/Domain:
    Arts and Humanities
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An Ethnographic Approach to Teaching Business Writing and Optimizing Opportunities for Students

This paper revolves around a pedagogical initiative undertaken by the authors involving different stages of classroom activity that worked integrally to derive an effective and engaging output benefitting the teacher and the learner alike. The classroom activity is based on the approaches recommended by Bruner’s (1987), Kolb’s (1984), and Kuh’s (2008) dictums of learning such as constructivist theory, concrete experience, and providing opportunity for participation. The first phase involves a role-reversal activity in a business management course. Here a student dons the role of a teacher and the teacher that of a participant observer in a feedback session of a written task. The second phase centers around the viewing of this feedback session of the written task by another batch of students. The researcher examines whether such classroom activities optimize opportunities for enhancing classroom learning, critical thinking and student engagement while offering realistic opportunities in a risk-free environment to the students.


The business writing courses help students express their ideas clearly and persuasively so that the clients, colleagues, stakeholders, and partners can effectively perceive the writers’ point of view. Regardless of the levels of their felicity with English language, students definitely need help to push past the writer’s block, attract the reader’s attention and earn credibility with tough audience.