Published Online:June 2024
Product Name:The IUP Journal of English Studies
Product Type:Article
Product Code:IJES150624
Author Name:Dereje Negeri, Yohannes Tefera and Guta Legesse
Subject/Domain:Arts and Humanities
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The study examined the effectiveness of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach in enhancing students’ level of participation in the learning process. The study was based on classroom observation of Grade 11 Social Science students and their two Geography teachers from Limu Secondary School, Ethiopia. The study made use of qualitative research approach for data collection, i.e., classroom observation. The data collected through classroom observation in two phases was analyzed using qualitative content analysis method. The findings suggest that CLIL instructional approach boosts students’ level of participation by providing a legitimate and authentic context for language use. Therefore, the study suggests that language-sensitive content instruction is a matter of importance for other subject teachers too, since it is the vehicle for assimilating scientific concepts.
The advent of globalization has underscored the need for better language and communication skills. And to respond to this global impact, it is necessary to examine as to how appropriate language teaching and learning could be achieved, and which approach might be most suitable for the respective age groups.