Published Online:October 2024
Product Name:The IUP Journal of Structural Engineering
Product Type:Article
Product Code:IJSE011024
Author Name:Himanshu Agrawal and Kuldeep Soni
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Regular structures are characterized by the absence of significant irregularities in their plan or vertical arrangement. In contrast, irregular structures feature noticeable interruptions in their plan geometry, elevation, or both, affecting their performance under lateral loads. These irregularities introduced for aesthetic or functional purposes impact a structure’s seismic response differently. The degree of response variation relies on the type, degree and location of these irregularities. This study focuses on crafting a pushover analysis for a steel structure subjected to mass and stiffness irregularities, and evaluates the performance of each building.
It is very important to accurately comprehend the modeling of a structure to understand its seismic behavior under earthquake forces. The Earthquake Code IS 1893-2016 is used to assess the impact of seismic forces on various building types in India.