Published Online:October 2024
Product Name:The IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior
Product Type:Article
Product Code:IJOB021024
Author Name:R Prasad, Aryasri A R and Prabhu Kumar A
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The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Department of Higher Education, in 2019, announced a goal of doubling the employability of graduates from higher education institutions (HEIs) in India. Poor employability outcomes in Indian management education institutions (MEIs) have been highlighted by multiple surveys over the years in India. Current employability frameworks and metrics do not assess the institution’s contribution towards employability enhancement. Studies on linking and planning for employability enhancement out of learning at an institution, though intuitive, are scanty. This study on MEIs proposes a Learning Prism for Employability as a framework to plan and monitor employability enhancement arising out of the MEIs’ learning framework as assessed by accreditation agencies in higher education. Stakeholders can rate 60 dimensions for employability expectation and implementation at an MEI. The prism rating on expectation and implementation helps prioritize opportunities to design and implement specific initiatives for effective employability enhancement. The pilot study found that employability can be expected and implemented from 60 dimensions of the Learning Prism for Employability
India is the largest provider of management education in the world. Employability in management education institutions (MEIs) in India has been low over the last decade (India Today, 2022; and India Skills Report, 2022). The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), which regulates management education, displays a placement rate (number of placements in the batch/number of students in the batch) of 38% for the academic year 2022-23