Published Online:May 2024
Product Name:The IUP Journal of Telecommunications
Product Type:Article
Product Code:IJTC030524
Author Name:Ambresh P A, Jagadeesha S D and Amit Birwal
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The paper present the design of an X-shaped compact wideband patch antenna with extended corners having dual slots on the patch surface for better performance suitable for millimeter frequency band. This antenna has got a novel design and is of small size to be used in wearable applications. It operates at millimeter wave band frequency, i.e., at 28.1 GHz and 43.49 GHz. The overall size of the antenna is 3.90mmx 2.90mm x 0.25mm. It is found that the proposed antenna has wideband characteristics with impedance bandwidth of 83.91% at 28.1GHz. The antenna also showed better radiation properties and low value voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) having better efficiency.
The rapid growth of wireless communication systems has resulted in ever stricter restrictions for the use of antennas in base stations and portable terminals, including miniaturization, system integration and multiband or broadband operation. Since the 1990s, when the Internet first became widely used, portable devices like laptops and cell phones have become more and more common.