Published Online:March 2024
Product Name:The IUP Journal of Business Strategy
Product Type:Article
Product Code:IJBS030324
Author Name:Naveen Kumar R, Janani M and A John William
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The agrifood and land use value chain is essential for both economic growth and food security, and plays a significant role in world economies. However, sustained financial inclusion in this industry still remains a difficult issue. Land banking is the practice of leasing surplus uncultivated lands that farmers own in rural areas by entering into agreement with working organizations and active farmers. This study uses structural equation modeling (SEM) to examine the interactions between important factors that affect workforce empowerment and sustainable financial inclusion in the agrifood and land use value chain. This framework for sustainable financial inclusion creates strategies that can be used across all areas and involve investors through a sustainable governance structure. The study uses information from a wide range of stakeholders, including farmers, agribusinesses, financial institutions, and policymakers, to build a detailed model for enhancing financial inclusion in the industry.
In an era marked by unprecedented global challenges to achieve sustainable economic growth, inclusive development has become paramount in the domain of agrifood and land use, which constitutes a critical sector for economies worldwide. Food production and land management not only hold significant implications for food security and environmental sustainability but also represent a cornerstone of livelihood for a substantial portion of the global population.