Published Online:December 2024
Product Name:The IUP Journal of Brand Management
Product Type:Article
Product Code:IJBRM031224
Author Name:Jose Mathews
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Brand experience is analyzed beyond the peripheral and transitory processes of an isolated nature. The conceptualization of brand experience as a multilayered construct involves considering the intraindividual subsystems of cognitive, affective, motivational, and personality trait dynamics of the consumer. The cognitive states of brand knowledge, brand awareness, brand association, and brand image structure the foundation for brand experience as an intraindividual subsystem. Brand emotion constitutes another intraindividual subsystem that is deciphered into brand love, brand commitment, brand involvement, selfbrand connection and brand attachment. The individual develops brand motivation by drawing upon the needs and self-determining tendencies of autonomous motivation and controlled motivational processes. Brand experience is also conditioned by the brand personality dimensions where the customer characteristics and brand personality aspects interact to generate the state of experience. The experience as a process is contingent on the activation of the intraindividual subsystems in its pre-experiential state leading to the current experiential state and the post-experiential state that further influences the preexperiential state of the consumer in future states of activation of the brand experience. Brand experience, in its holistic process, is a multilayered process of cognition, emotion, motivation, and customer personality. The activation of the experiential state depends on the psychological features of the situation and the brand-related stimuli encountered by the consumer.
Experience that the customer’s experience in the process of consumption is a profound and deep-seated subjective psychological state/take-away impressions that continue to impact the customer in a lasting way (Chang and Horng, 2010). The earliest notions of experience as a primary sensory-affective phenomenon have been studied from different perspectives,...