Article Details
  • Published Online:
    October  2024
  • Product Name:
    The IUP Journal of International Relations
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  • Author Name:
    Clyde Kudzanai Gapa
  • Availability:
  • Subject/Domain:
    Arts and Humanities
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  • Pages:
Africa’s Fourth Generation Warfare and ‘Clash of Civilizations’ as a Deterrent to Achieving the Ultimate Goal of Pan-Africanism

The objective of this study is to interpret Africa’s armed conflicts through the lens of fourth-generational warfare (4GW) and “clash of civilizations”, exposing the predicament that withholds the full attainment of Pan-Africanism ideology. In the study, the understanding of 4GW in conjunction with Africa’s conflict situation is solidified through the views of prominent academic researchers. Considering the fact that Africa is cosmopolitan in nature, the study draws from Samuel Huntington’s Theory of Clash of Civilizations to explain the true nature of Africa’s armed conflict, thereby bringing into the picture factors such as religion, ethnicity, race, differences in political ideology and resource scarcity. As part of the explanation of the concepts, the paper identifies areas of attention so as to ensure the full attainment of PanAfricanism ideological goals—politically, economically and socially. Regional Integrated Peace and Development Model (RIPDM) is a proposed solution to Africa’s 4GW and Clash of Civilizations, which is a step towards the accomplishment of Pan-Africanism goals.


The ultimate goal of Pan-Africanism is to create a united, self-reliant, and empowered Africa so that it can stand independently and emancipate itself from all unfair and unjust practices on the global stage. This vision encompasses political unity, economic