Published Online:September 2024
Product Name:The IUP Journal of Soft Skills
Product Type:Article
Product Code:IJSS010924
Author Name:Michael Walton
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Dissatisfaction with the quality of working relationship between leaders and their colleagues continues to be the primary reason for executive derailment, staff turnover, loss of trust in leadership, workplace dissatisfaction and low employee engagement. Research into such matters has tended to focus more on the ‘Above-the-Line’ observable and measurable facets of executive behavior and has (seemingly) neglected the emotionally-grounded workplace dynamics and phenomena. This paper seeks to draw attention to the ‘Below-the-Line’ phenomena as one way of rectifying this imbalance and seeming neglect.
This paper considers what the research has identified as the main reasons for leadership failure and executive derailment, and then reflects on why such causes of failure—given that they have been known and have remained in the public domain for many years— persist and continue to (i) diminish the effectiveness of organizations; and (ii) have failed to be acted upon by executives who should know better.