Published Online:December 2024
Product Name:The IUP Journal of Effective Executive
Product Type:Article
Product Code:EE021224
Author Name:Colin Coulson-Thomas
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Chief digital officers (CDOs) are a relatively new phenomenon. They continue to be appointed and their role is evolving, as digital technologies develop and AI applications multiply and present new challenges and opportunities. The CDO role is a strategic one, depending on the situation, circumstances and context. It involves relationships with boards, CEOs and others with whom expectations and priorities should ideally be aligned. There are questions to ask and issues to address in relation to CDOs and these relationships, the evolution and future of CDO role, and contemporary and emerging concerns, global risks and existential threats with which CDOs may become increasingly involved. The reputation and standing of CDOs reflect those of the digital technologies and applications for which they are held responsible, and which can have beneficial and/or unwelcome impacts. CDOs face areas of uncertainty with which they must cope while seeking to influence. In future, CDOs may be required to devote more attention to sustainability, resilience, responsible use of technology, the external context within which they operate, preparation for various scenarios and eventualities, and collaboration, cooperation, joint action and collective responses.
he role of chief digital officer (CDO) is a comparatively recent one. An analysis of all firms in the US S&P 1500 index between 2000 and 2018 found that CDOs did not appear until 2003 (Kunisch et al., 2022).