Published Online:November 2024
Product Name:The IUP Journal of Marketing Management
Product Type:Article
Product Code:MM011124
Author Name:Infas Malik C and Hem Chand Jain
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Masstige, a portmanteau of “mass” and “prestige”, refers to the tactic of capturing the mass market by offering prestige goods at a reasonable price. Masstige and Country of Origin (CO) are two significant concepts with a wide range of applications. This study explores five facets of CO and mass prestige: masstige value vs. CO; masstige value vs. first-mover brands; masstige value vs. best-selling brands; CO vs. level of involvement; and CO vs. information search. The Masstige Mean Index (MMI), invented by Paul (2015), is used in the paper to calculate the masstige score of Apple iPads, Samsung tablets, and Lenovo tablets. A non-probability convenience sampling approach was adopted, and data was collected via Google Forms. t-test, logistic regression and ANOVA were utilized to test various hypotheses. Of the three brands chosen for the study, American brand Apple did better in terms of masstige value than Asian brands Lenovo and Samsung, and first-mover brands and best-selling brands had higher masstige values. Indian tablet users, with various levels of involvement, view the significance of CO differently, and the difference is highly associated with consumers’ enquiry for CO information. The study gives strategies to boost tablet sales in India, relying on how customers interpret mass prestige. It also offers marketing insights to tablet-makers looking to enter the emerging Indian market.
The role of marketing has always been seen as indispensable for the achievement of success in any company. Masstige marketing is a contemporary marketing strategy that exerts a significant influence on customers in today’s marketplace. Masstige marketing seeks to attract the middle-class customers by providing prestigious products at attainable prices (Kumar and Paul, 2018).