Published Online:August 2024
Product Name:The IUP Journal of Telecommunications
Product Type:Article
Product Code:IJTC020824
Author Name:Debolina Saha, Koushiki Ghosh, Shubhrakamal Saha and Sudip Dogra
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Permanently shadowed regions (PSRs) on the moon are expected to contain large amounts of water and ice, which is crucial for sustainable exploration of the moon and beyond. However, there is limited information about small-scale features and ice distribution within the PSRs due to low resolution and/or poor quality of the orbital imagery captured. This paper proposes a method to use the existing general-purpose algorithm, Block-Matching and 3D Filtering (BM3D), to denoise the noisy crater images.
Permanently shadowed regions (PSRs) at the moon’s poles remain in constant darkness due to moon’s axial tilt, maintaining extremely low temperatures (~–157 °C). This preserves volatile substances like water and ice.