Published Online:October 2024
Product Name:The IUP Journal of Applied Finance
Product Type:Article
Product Code:IJAF041024
Author Name:Deepak Kumar Baser and Parul Dashora
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Behavioral finance is a growing research area within finance, though there are still many questions about its true value. Unlike the efficient market hypothesis (EMH), behavioral finance highlights the irrational behaviors investors exhibit when choosing among various investment options. This bibliometric study explores the studies published between 1980 and 2023 on behavioral finance. By employing citation and co-citation analysis, the study identifies the most frequently cited works and current trending topics in the field. The study used Dimensions database and 2,500 documents were considered for analysis to pinpoint relevant journals, and it was concluded that “Behavioral Finance” is an emerging field worth focusing on in the Indian context. The study may help researchers to broaden their investigations, using both quantitative and qualitative methods, to better understand the factors influencing the broader scope of behavioral finance.
In the 1980s, behavioral finance emerged as a new concept, integrating economic and psychological principles to enhance financial decision making. Unlike the efficient market hypothesis (EMH), behavioral finance highlights the irrational behaviors investors exhibit when choosing among various investment options.