Article Details
  • Published Online:
    December  2024
  • Product Name:
    The IUP Journal of Information Technology
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  • Author Name:
    Jose Mathews
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Self-Service Technology Adoption: A Cognitive Perspective

Self-service technology (SST) is an inevitable application that firms frequently employ to transact with customers in all fields of life. This technology poses a real challenge to customers who are rather new to digital applications. The major difficulty in using this technology stems from the psychological processes of cognition, and related intra-individual subsystems like affectivity and motivation. The paper analyzes the nature of the cognitive structures and processes of the client that either facilitates or inhibits the use of SST. The methodology used to find out the cognitive structures and processes is analyzing the secondary data from extant literature. The specific pattern of information processing, structure of the schemata and scripts determine the client behavior in SST adoption.


It is imperative that we understand how best to design, manage and promote new technologies to have the best chance of consumer acceptance. The fact of the matter is that customers are rather hesitant to embrace any new technology given the learning challenges involved in it.