Article Details
  • Published Online:
    November  2024
  • Product Name:
    The IUP Journal of Operations Management
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  • Author Name:
    Attia Hussien Gomaa
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Enhancing Product Development Using Lean Six Sigma Approach: From Continuous Improvement to Continuous Innovation

Lean Six Sigma (LSS) is applied in research and development to make product development processes more efficient and effective. The product development process goes through several steps that focus on customer requirements. This review provides a brief overview of enhancing R&D management using Lean- Six-Sigma-Product-Development (LSS-PD) tools, such as Kano-model, QFD, value engineering, TRIZ, failure mode effect analysis, and Taguchi-based experimental design. Many studies have been conducted using these tools. Still, a review of the literature indicates that studies on the integration of these tools are minimal and there is no LSS-PD methodology integrated within a more general framework whose main role is to evaluate and improve the value, efficiency, and effectiveness of the product. Finally, the product development team must have a high level of expertise in their fields to manage these tools and be innovative enough to generate ideas. It is hoped that this paper will be a reference for other researchers and manufacturers to implement the integration of these methods for research and development.


Customer satisfaction is the most important aspect of any business unit. The product development process involves a series of activities and steps designed to achieve the main goal of meeting customer expectations; hence, product design and development are very important in the manufacturing sector to create a competitive advantage in the market (Chiang et al. 2020; and Gijo et al., 2021).