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  • Published Online:
    October  2024
  • Product Name:
    The IUP Journal of Accounting Research & Audit Practices
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  • Author Name:
    Preethi Karlapudi and Gaddam Naresh Reddy
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Mapping the Literature on ESG Performance: A Bibliometric Analysis

In recent years, environmental, social and governance (ESG) concept has gained popularity as a framework for businesses to integrate sustainable practices and achieve sustainable development goals. This paper makes a bibliometric analysis of ESG literature. A total of 2,535 papers were extracted from the Scopus database using PRISMA model and Biblioshiny and VOSviewer software, and a two-stage bibliometric analysis was conducted. The findings show an upward trend in publication. “Wang Y” is the most influential author, and “Sapienza University of Rome” stands out as the leading institution. The analysis identified Finance Research Letters as a key journal, and “Corporate Social Responsibility and Access to Finance” as the most relevant paper. Keyword analysis identified “Sustainability” as the most frequently occurring keyword, while thematic mapping revealed emerging themes in this field of research. The keyword co-occurrence network analysis identified four clusters: “ESG and Responsible Investment,” “Corporate Sustainability and Stakeholder Engagement,” “Sustainable Finance Ecosystem,” and “Environmental Sustainability and Governance”. The bibliographic coupling of documents revealed four essential areas for further research: (1) ESG and financial performance; (2) ESG integration in financial decision making; (3) Corporate governance and ESG transparency; and (4) ESG performance and firm value. The findings support sustainable corporate practices, and guide responsible investments, thus driving progress toward SDGs.


In an era of environmental degradation, social inequality, and economic instability, sustainability has become crucial for the planet and society as a whole (Berrang-Ford et al., 2015; and Verles and Vellacott, 2018). Addressing these issues requires a joint effort from governments, corporations, civil society and individuals