Article Details
  • Published Online:
    September  2024
  • Product Name:
    The IUP Journal of English Studies
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  • Author Name:
    Sheeba Parvez and Zeba Siddiqui
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  • Subject/Domain:
    Arts and Humanities
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Immigrants’ Existential Maneuver: An Examination of Bharati Mukherjee’s The Holder of the World

Existential maneuver is a core element of literature. The focus of the paper pertains to the cultural context, notably specific communities endeavoring to embrace new ideologies and the obstacles they face. The paper examines and explains the increasing urgency of confined existential maneuvers and the problems of adapting to a new culture. Mukherjee has authored a medieval metanarrative, The Holder of the World, centered around the character of Hannah Easton, who assumes various roles and personas, including an understanding of American lineage and adherence to Indian customs, and undergoes transformation. The paper analyzes the existential maneuver concept as a transformative motif. It examines how immigrants in literature integrate their identities into a foreign culture.


The complicated concept called “culture” has been the culmination of a prolonged transition stage. It is a historical approach at the same time. This phenomenon can be attributed to the extended duration of evolution in society.