Article Details
  • Published Online:
    September  2024
  • Product Name:
    The IUP Journal of English Studies
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  • Author Name:
    Ahmed Badr Shabeeb Al-Husseini
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  • Subject/Domain:
    Arts and Humanities
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Role of Intonation in Cohesive Discourse: An Illustration from Iraqi Syllabus for Teaching English

The present study examines the discourse function of intonation in an audio clip taken from the syllabus for teaching English in Iraq. The study addresses the question: How does intonation contribute to the cohesion of discourse? To answer this question, the study adopts Brazil’s (1997) model of discourse intonation of a recorded conversation between two teachers. The analysis reveals that the pattern of a fall-rising question, followed by a falling answer, keeps stretches cohesive and marks openings, pauses, and closing of turns to regulate discourse.


Intonation can aid the meaning of the context since it can transport more than a few features of the context, chiefly the pragmatic sense of discourse, in linking the discourse analysis with intonation, where discourse intonation includes studying intonation in terms of an operator, its function in context, and its communicative rate (Vilches 2015).