Article Details
  • Published Online:
    November  2024
  • Product Name:
    The IUP Journal of Bank Management
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  • Author Name:
    Vijay M Kumbhar
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Assessing Customer Experience in Mobile Banking: Developing eMobiQual Scale

This study evaluates the eMobiQual Scale, a comprehensive instrument designed to measure customer expectations, perceptions, and satisfaction with mobile banking services. Dimension-wise reliability analysis was conducted using Cronbach’s  to assess the internal consistency of each scale’s dimensions. The results reveal that all dimensions exhibit strong reliability, with Cronbach’s  values above the commonly accepted threshold of 0.700. Specific dimensions such as reliability of services, privacy, and overall perception demonstrate exceptional internal consistency, indicating robust measurement precision. The scale’s diverse dimensions—covering aspects such as service ease, speed, safety, responsiveness, cost-effectiveness, and appearance—ensure a holistic assessment of customer experience in mobile banking. Given these findings, the eMobiQual Scale is recommended as a reliable tool for measuring customer expectations, perceptions, and satisfaction towards mobile banking.


Digital banking has experienced rapid growth in India in recent years, primarily fueled by government initiatives to broaden the access to digital financial services. Central to this expansion is the Digital India campaign, launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to transform the country into a digitally-empowered society and knowledge economy. This ambitious campaign prioritizes enhancement of digital infrastructure, online delivery of government services, and reduction of digital illiteracy. Consequently, the Indian government has actively promoted digital banking platforms, facilitating a significant shift from traditional banking methods to digital counterparts.