Published Online:November 2024
Product Name:The IUP Journal of Marketing Management
Product Type:Article
Product Code:IJMM061124
Author Name:Neiba and N Tejmani Singh
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This paper examines the factors influencing consumer preference towards organic food products. A descriptive cross-sectional design using quantitative methodology was adopted, and a survey was conducted among 320 organic food consumers to gather primary data. Statistical tools like factor analysis, multiple regressions, and PROCESS v4.2 by Andrew F Hayes were employed to analyze the data and test the hypotheses, including the mediating effect. The results reveal that knowledge of organic food products, health consciousness, and environmental consciousness significantly influence perceived value, and perceived values acts as a mediator in the relationship between the influencing factors and consumer preference. The paper provides a better understanding of the factors influencing consumers’ perceived value and preference for organic foods. The findings have implications for organic producers and marketers in rural areas of Manipur in particular and India in general.
In recent years, consumers have become more concerned about their health and environment sustainability. They are inclined toward food that is balanced, healthy, safe, and friendly to the environment and animals (Misra and Singh, 2016). Consumers are shifting their choice of food from convenience products to organic products, positively impacting the environment and human health. According to Krishan Kumar (Chairman of APEDA), “The shift in the global consumption pattern health awareness among the consumers and the increasing significance of sustainability is now putting organic products at the forefront both internationally and in the domestic market.” Organic food promotes environment-friendly agriculture and, in the long run, is healthier than regular nonorganic food.