Article Details
  • Published Online:
    December  2024
  • Product Name:
    The IUP Journal of English Studies
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  • Author Name:
    Kajal Chaudhary, Else Liliani and Shivani Vashist
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  • Subject/Domain:
    Arts and Humanities
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Ecological Overtones in the Works of Child Prodigies Abhinaya Ghina Jamela and Abhijita Gupta

Indonesia and India share many cultural and ecological similarities. Both countries are also home to two female child writers—Indonesia has Abinaya Ghina Jamela and India has Abhijita Gupta. They address environmental concerns in their writings. This paper explores their poems on environmental issues: Abinaya’s “Catatan Tentang Hutan” (Notes on Forests), “Budak” (Slaves), “Papua,” “Di Pameran Lukisan” (At the Painting Exhibition), and “Sampah” (Garbage); and Abhijita’s “Mother Earth,” “In Love With Rain,” “Love for Nature,” and “Precarious Corona.” The selected works are examined through the lens of ecocriticism.


Ecocriticism has grown significantly over the last few decades. Literature and ecological studies are referred to as ecocriticism or environmental criticism. It involves the examination of ecological changes in literature and is also known as ‘Green Studies.’