Article Details
  • Published Online:
    January  2025
  • Product Name:
    The IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior
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  • Author Name:
    Vinay Chaitanya Ganta and Preksha Dassani
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Techno-Structural and Strategic Interventions in Change Management: The Case of a PSE in India

Organizational development (OD) focuses on the needs and dynamics of changes in an organization. It provides inputs to devise a change program with effective intervention. This paper examines two interventions in OD: techno-structural and strategic intervention. The former refers to change programs designed with a blend of technology and structure of the organization, and the latter emphasizes the change process of the organization to its core. The techno-structural and strategic interventions address transformational and restructural changes and successful implementation of new technologies. The present study seeks to understand the perceptions of the respondents regarding the implementation of techno-structural and strategic interventions in a selected Public Sector Enterprise (PSE) in Visakhapatnam, India. The findings show that about 70% of the respondents welcomed the aforesaid interventions. The findings also suggest that organizations should adopt and implement relevant OD interventions at the right time to manage planned changes effectively and communicate the same to attract more cooperation from employees


Organizational development (OD) programs help in enhancing the effectiveness of procedures in organizations. OD interventions help to improve the quality of work-life (QWL) of employees in an organization (Armstrong, 2012). To build resilient organizations, organizations have begun to rely on interventions in techno-structural and human process