The IUP Journal of Bank Management

ISSN :2583-5866

A "peer-reviewed" journal included in EBSCO and ProQuest (Part of Clarivate) Database

It is a quarterly journal that focuses on Credit rating, Corporate financing, Infrastructure finacing, Risk management, Forex markets, Retail banking, Personal banking, Inclusive banking, Fintech and banking, Convergence of financial services and E-Banking, HRD and leadership, Banking supervision and regulatory mechanism, etc.

Assessing Customer Experience in Mobile Banking: Developing eMobiQual Scale

Author: Vijay M Kumbhar

Price: 100 Details
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Combat Digital Frauds in the Banking Sector

Author: Harsh Sen

Price: 100 Details
Efficiency Dilemma: Evaluating the Performance of India’s Public Sector Banks

Author: Md Nesar Faizi and Aas Mohammad

Price: 100 Details