ISSN :2583-519X
A "peer-reviewed" journal included in EBSCO and ProQuest (Part of Clarivate) Database
It is a quarterly journal that publishes research papers relating to Circuit Analysis and Applications, Linear and Non-linear circuits and systems, Power systems and Power electronics, Control and instrumentation, Automation, Electric and electronic measurement systems, Electrical drives and Electromechanical systems, Microwaves, RF and Microwave, Lasers and electro-optics, Digital signal processing, Image processing and communication, Robotics and automation, Multimedia network, etc.
Author: Md Suzon Islam
Author: Jafar Alabi Zubair, Damilola Rebecca Adejare-Adesiyan, Oluseye Adeniyi Adeleke and Abdul Rasak Zubair
Author: Ambresh P A and Amit Birwal
Author: M S R Murty, K S Vyas and Vikas Malhotra