ISSN :2231-3095
A 'peer reviewed' journal indexed on Cabell's Directory, and also distributed by EBSCO and Proquest Database
It is a quarterly journal focusing on various aspects of law and legal principles/issues relating to Cyber Law, Patent Rights, Copyrights, Insurance Contracts, Risk and Insurance, Banking Regulations (including Cooperative Banks/Rural Banks), Consumer Grievances, E-commerce/Internet Banking, Environmental Pollution, Public Policy, International Agreements and Treaties, Capital Markets, Mutual Funds, Secondary Markets, Medico-Legal, Socio-Legal, Arbitrations and Settlements.
Author: Sudhir Kumar Dwivedi and Kush Kakkar
Author: Astha Srivastava
Author: Shruti Dahiya
Author: Vibhuti Sirsat Vijay and D Ganesh Kumar
Author: Satyam Sinha
Author: Iftikhar Hussain Bhat
Author: Sheikh Inam Ul Mansoor