Entrepreneurial Capacity Building
Needs of Rural Women SHGs in
Alternative Poultry Farming:
A Case Study in Tamil Nadu, India
--Jothilakshmi M, R Krishnaraj and N K Sudeepkumar
This study aims to understand the socioeconomic traits, training preferences
and the needs of the members of the Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and the
relationship among the members of the women SHGs and their training needs
in alternative poultry, namely, desi chicken and turkey farming. A majority of
the members were young, illiterate, landless, married having a medium-sized
nuclear family, and livestock as the subsidiary occupation with low annual
income. The members were found to have high extension agency contact,
medium level of social participation with low mass media exposure. Half of the
total members had high economic motivation, risk orientation and a favorable
attitude towards developmental programs and group activity. The respondents
need training in desi poultry farming next to dairying and goat rearing.
Members had preferences over venue, duration, mode/type of training, season,
etc. It was observed that in desi chicken and turkey farming, finance, marketing,
disease control, management and feeding were the most preferred areas for
training. The variables of the respondents were found to have varying degrees
of relation with the training needs in desi chicken and turkey farming.
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Aspirations and Motives of Women
Entrepreneurs: An Empirical Study
of Varanasi District
-- Usha Kiran Rai and Monica Srivastava
Small-scale entrepreneurship plays a significant role in the economic
development of a developing country. Therefore, the development of motivation
in individuals is a crucial input to entrepreneurship. Basically, entrepreneurship
is a result of one’s motivation to achieve specific goals in life which is
supported by other environmental factors. Motivation causes goal-directed
behavior. A motivated person is likely to have broader vision which helps him/
her to make life more meaningful. Motivation is an index belief in one’s own
resourcefulness to take up challenging tasks like entrepreneurship. In this
context, this paper examines the motives of women entrepreneurs in starting a
small-scale enterprise in the socioeconomic milieu of Varanasi district. The
sample units were selected randomly resulting in a sample size of 150 units. The
data were collected through a structured questionnaire and informal
interviews. The conclusions drawn from the empirical study show that the direct
support from their family members (in the form finance) encouraged them to
start their new ventures, which is a healthy signal for economic development
of the country.
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Industrial Sickness in India:
Causes, Consequences and Curses
-- A Satyanarayan and P V Purna Kumari
Industrial sickness in Small-Scale Industries (SSIs) is not a regional problem,
rather it is a global problem now. Besides the role of internal management, a
combined effort is highly needed from the external agencies for an effective
revival program of these sick units. Especially the role of the government,
financial institutions and the development agencies is vital to tackle the
problems of industrial sickness. Further, it is suggested that a team of experts
in production, marketing and finance should also share their experiences to
improve the performance of the sick units. It would be ideal that they should
assume this responsibility with a sense of urgency and shoulder the burden of
revival of these units. As the time factor is very important, instead of making
industrial sickness a chronic problem it can be prevented (to a considerable
extent) at the early stage.
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Centralization of Microfinance
-- Sonia Singh and Hiranmay Saha
Robust economic growth is not possible without putting in place well-focused
integrated programs to reduce poverty through empowering the people by
increasing their access to the factors of growth, especially credit issues at the
micro level. Bridging the gap between the potential demand for and the actual
supply of microfinance services is a big challenge. In this paper, the growth and
transformation of microfinance organizations has been discussed. The key
context of the paper is how poor people can easily avail the microfinancial
services under one umbrella in the fastest way. While discussing the factors and
the theoretical position associated with innovation in microfinance, this paper
has also brought out the missing link between the lender and borrower in the
Indian context. As per the authors, filling of this gap is a precondition for
poverty reduction on account of the influence of new paradigm of institutional
viability under commercial microfinance.
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