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The IUP Journal of Systems Management

February' 07
Focus Areas
  • System Development Methodologies and Automation
  • Database Design and Administration
  • Data Mining and Data Warehousing
  • Internet Technologies, Tools & Techniques
  • Enterprise-wide System Architectures
  • Artificial Intelligence Approaches
  • Behavioral and HR aspects of Information Systems
  • Information System Controls, Security and Privacy
Correlation of Inheritance-based Object-Oriented Metrics and Low-Level Metrics
Software Architecture Decision Support Framework using AHP
Medical Research and Development Treaty: A New R&D Framework
Dynamics of ICT Sector: Scenario of the World, Saarc and India
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Correlation of Inheritance-based Object-Oriented Metrics and Low-Level Metrics

-- Ashish Mangalampalli and Ajeet K Jain

Various inheritance-based Object-Oriented (OO) metrics (high-level) have been extensively used to measure the performance and viability of programs written in OO languages like C++ and Java. They have helped in analyzing programs from a high level perspective. Although Low-Level (LL) metrics (like processor execution time and memory used) have also been used in analyzing both, the OO and non-OO programs, a correlation between OO (high-level) and LL metrics has not been made in detail. Hence, this paper explains how changes made in Object-Oriented Programs (OOPs) according to inheritance-based OO metrics affect an analysis of the same programs that use LL metrics in C++. Such a correlation can be utilized in designing programs effectively so that inheritance is used in a manner in which the least possible OS and hardware-related resources, like processor and memory, are used. Moreover, these correlations will also help a quality engineer choose the correct set of inheritance-based OO metrics for the quality analysis of an OO system, considering the ramifications of LL metrics on inheritance-based OO metrics.

Article Price : Rs.50

Software Architecture Decision Support Framework using AHP

--G Zayaraz and P Thambidurai

Software Architectures are generally designed with particular functional and nonfunctional requirements. Organizations often need to choose software architecture for future development from several competing candidate architectures. The various stakeholders' quality requirements should be considered collectively to describe the quality requirements of the projected system and therefore build the basis for comparison and selection criteria. Choosing software architecture for any system is still a difficult task as different stakeholders are involved in the selection process. Stakeholders' view on quality requirements differs and at times they can also be conflicting in nature. Existing software architecture selection methods (Svahnberg et al. (2002); Dobrica et al. (2002); Kazman et al. (1998); Kazman et al. (2001)) have been analyzed to identify their limitations. To overcome the limitations and challenges, a selection framework has been proposed and validated based on multiattribute decision-making using Analytic Hierarchy Process (Saaty, 1980). The proposed framework provides rationale for an architecture selection process by comparing the fitness of competing candidate architectures for the envisioned system based on the quality requirements of different stakeholders.

Article Price : Rs.50

Medical Research and Development Treaty: A New R&D Framework

-- Manish Ashiya and Anu Jindal

It is a well-known fact that Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) prioritizes the profit motive in R&D, and does not encourage R&D for less commercially promising diseases. The TRIPS approach is skewed away from diseases affecting the poorer population of the world, thus failing to address significant public health concerns. Immediate attention is required treatment of endemic diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, AIDS, and other tropical diseases, which are not affordable for people in the lower income groups. This is now a major concern among people and organizations all over the world. The Medical Research and Development Treaty (MRDT) is one such important initiative, which has gained momentum over the last two years and tackles issues overlooked by TRIPS. It proposes to receive contribution from all member nations based on the country's financial robustness and seeks to invest in R&D, depending on the diseases that require priority research. This article discusses how MRDT offers a new paradigm for providing incentives to invest in R&D, equitable sharing of costs and knowledge, thus addressing vital health concerns.

Article Price : Rs.50

Dynamics of ICT Sector: Scenario of the World, Saarc and India

-- Harpreet Dusanjh and Deepak Devgan

The fusion of two technologies called Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is being viewed as a potent force in transforming the present social, economic and political set-up. The concept of "global village" was the outcome of the strides of development in ICT. In the last few years, a number of development agencies and international organizations like OECD and UNCTAD have been encouraging the developing countries to benefit from the capabilities of ICT by putting forth the argument that these countries can achieve their development objectives in education, employment, healthcare, poverty alleviation and other areas, with the help of ICT. As a response, such countries have welcomed the advent of ICT with gigantic optimism. In the light of these developments, the paper explores the success of efforts of these countries to enhance their ICT capabilities over the years. As all countries and regions of the world have been unable to attain an equal development, gaps of "haves" and "have-nots" exist in many areas. The study also makes an effort to find out the extent of gap existing in the area of ICT.

Article Price : Rs.50



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Automated Teller Machines (ATMs): The Changing Face of Banking in India

Bank Management
Information and communication technology has changed the way in which banks provide services to its customers. These days the customers are able to perform their routine banking transactions without even entering the bank premises. ATM is one such development in recent years, which provides remote banking services all over the world, including India. This paper analyzes the development of this self-service banking in India based on the secondary data.

The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is playing a very important role in the progress and advancement in almost all walks of life. The deregulated environment has provided an opportunity to restructure the means and methods of delivery of services in many areas, including the banking sector. The ICT has been a focused issue in the past two decades in Indian banking. In fact, ICTs are enabling the banks to change the way in which they are functioning. Improved customer service has become very important for the very survival and growth of banking sector in the reforms era. The technological advancements, deregulations, and intense competition due to the entry of private sector and foreign banks have altered the face of banking from one of mere intermediation to one of provider of quick, efficient and customer-friendly services. With the introduction and adoption of ICT in the banking sector, the customers are fast moving away from the traditional branch banking system to the convenient and comfort of virtual banking. The most important virtual banking services are phone banking, mobile banking, Internet banking and ATM banking. These electronic channels have enhanced the delivery of banking services accurately and efficiently to the customers. The ATMs are an important part of a bank’s alternative channel to reach the customers, to showcase products and services and to create brand awareness. This is reflected in the increase in the number of ATMs all over the world. ATM is one of the most widely used remote banking services all over the world, including India. This paper analyzes the growth of ATMs of different bank groups in India.
International Scenario

If ATMs are largely available over geographically dispersed areas, the benefit from using an ATM will increase as customers will be able to access their bank accounts from any geographic location. This would imply that the value of an ATM network increases with the number of available ATM locations, and the value of a bank network to a customer will be determined in part by the final network size of the banking system. The statistical information on the growth of branches and ATM network in select countries.

Indian Scenario

The financial services industry in India has witnessed a phenomenal growth, diversification and specialization since the initiation of financial sector reforms in 1991. Greater customer orientation is the only way to retain customer loyalty and withstand competition in the liberalized world. In a market-driven strategy of development, customer preference is of paramount importance in any economy. Gone are the days when customers used to come to the doorsteps of banks. Now the banks are required to chase the customers; only those banks which are customercentric and extremely focused on the needs of their clients can succeed in their business today.


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Systems Management